Open Up About Mental Health Around The Big Blue Table

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


At one time it was common for families to gather around the table and share their ups and downs over the evening meal.

It was an opportunity to talk about our failures and triumphs, expressing our emotions around both.

Last year, Beyond Blue launched a new initiative - Big Blue Table - aimed at fighting the stigma surrounding mental health one meal at a time.

Not only did the inaugural event give people an opportunity to spark a conversation around mental health, it raised a whopping $570,000.

October is Mental Health Month and Beyond Blue has encouraged people to once again gather around the Big Blue Table and start a conversation about mental health to support those in their circle impacted by anxiety, depression and suicide.

It could be any meal in any setting - from breakfast through to supper at home, in a restaurant, across a barbecue or picnic table.

The main aim is to provide a safe place for everyone to share openly about how they are really feeling.

Beyond Blue Lead Clinical Adviser, Dr Grant Blashki said the simple act of hosting a meal could make talking about mental health with family, friends and colleagues less uncomfortable.

“Nearly half of us will experience a mental health condition in our lifetime and no one should feel they need to suffer in silence,” Dr Blashki said.

“Stigma about mental health conditions often prevents people from seeking support, and the Big Blue Table aims to reduce stigma by encouraging people to talk openly about how they are feeling in a comfortable environment.”

All money raised through the Big Blue Table campaign goes to the Beyond Blue Support Service, which provides free 24/7 counselling, advice and referrals for those in need via phone, web chat and email.

Dr Blashki said more than 600 people used the service every day.

“Beyond Blue is always available if you’re seeking support for your own mental health or supporting someone going through a tough time,” Dr Blashki said.

Register early and receive a free host kit, including a guide, table decorations and conversation starters designed to get the discussion going.

Hosts will also receive tips and tricks, including budget-friendly hacks to create a tasty, cost-effective and stress-free event.

Visit for more information about the initiative and register as a host.

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