Preparing For A Calm Birth

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix

IMAGE: Karen is currently delivering classes in techniques to help prepare for the birth of little ones.

IMAGE: Karen is currently delivering classes in techniques to help prepare for the birth of little ones.

Karen has been working as part of the team of midwives at Griffith Base Hospital for over 20 years.

She also works as a community midwife in Aboriginal Health as well as a child and family health nurse.

“I was motivated to become a calmbirth educator as I wanted to find a way for women to learn about the resources they have within them, and to approach labour with confidence and trust, rather than fear and anxiety,” Karen said.

“Calmbirth is a wonderful and practical way to do this. The gentle approach of Calmbirth allows individuals to prepare for their own experience and utilise the skills learned.”

Some of the techniques incorporated in the Calmbirth sessions include mindfulness, meditation and the importance of breath technique.

“By using and practicing these simple relaxation techniques, couples feel better prepared to have the best experience for them,” Karen said. “I strongly believe Calmbirth is important for whatever kind of birth you are planning.

“The skills taught can be used not only for birth, but also for parenting and everyday life.

“I am currently delivering classes and am happy to help women prepare for their birth, however it unfolds.”

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