Primary Health Champions Recognised At MPHN Awards

The region’s health champions were recognised at a Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network Awards ceremony last week.
The 2024 Primary Healthcare Awards took place in Wagga on Friday, November 1, recognising outstanding contributions to primary healthcare.
Hosted by Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN), the ceremony highlighted the remarkable achievements of healthcare leaders and community organisations from across the region.
Notable winners include Cristie Simpson from the Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service, the Riverina Aboriginal Medical and Dental Service, Deniliquin LHAC’s Health in Your Hands project, Murrumbidgee Men’s Group Lived Experience Presentations, and the Instrumental Swallow Assessment Service.
Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service’s (GAMS) Allied Health Assistant Cristie Simpson earned the title of Emerging Leader for her role in leading the pilot speech therapy program with the Rural Doctors Network to support local First Nations children.
The program offers online appointments and play therapy, with Cristie conducting assessments and facilitating therapy.
Since February 2024, she has supported 189 care episodes and is pursuing a Certificate IV in Allied Health - Speech Therapy.
GAMS aims to expand the program to Lake Cargelligo and Hay by hiring another allied health assistant.
Ms Simpson said it had been a wonderful journey to re-establish speech therapy services at the GAMS.
‘I would like to thank our management and staff,’ Ms Simpson said.
‘I would also like to thank the Rural Doctors Network and speech pathologist Michaela Thompson, who have all been an absolute pleasure to work with to create this program for the children in our community.’
From October 2023 to August 2024, the headspace Griffith CARES team joined the Orygen IMplementation Lab to address referral, recruitment, and retention challenges.
They were highly commended.
With tailored support, headspace Griffith successfully recruited six clinicians, along with administration and community engagement staff, creating a stable and committed team.
Improved referral processes ensure clients receive the right support from the appropriate provider.
MHN’s Firsthealth Board Chair Dr Jodi Culbert said it was a pleasure to recognise the outstanding achievements in primary healthcare through the awards.
“Every time, we are just impressed by how worthwhile it is to see people’s work showcased, whether as finalists or nominees,” Dr Culbert said.
“Health professionals aren’t always very good at self-promotion, self-recognition, sometimes self-care.
“But when you take the time to put on paper the things that you do, the things that you’re proud of and passionate about, and we get to read them, it’s just incredibly encouraging.
“On behalf of the Board, I extend heartfelt congratulations to this year’s award recipients and finalists.”
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