Purchase A Big Mac This McHappy Day And Support Ronald McDonald House

Charles and Nicole Daebacker with their 3-year-old twins Will and Ted spent time at Ronald McDonald House in Wagga recently.
When three-year-old twins Will and Ted Debaecker needed surgery for tonsillectomies, they and their parents Charles and Nicole stayed at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) in Wagga.
Nicole was 36 weeks pregnant at the time and not ideally situated to deal with two unhappy, pained boys following surgery.
“Being away from home for such an extended stay could not have been more comfortable with the facilities provided at Ronald McDonald House,” Nicole said.
“The supportive environment at Ronald McDonald House gave us a sense of community and reassurance.”
From the proximity to the hospital to the goodie bags which kept the kids entertained when they were most uncomfortable, the endless play opportunities for the childroom, the well-stocked kitchen, the home-cooked meals prepared by volunteers and the comforting conversations with the staff, the Debaeckers described the charity as a beacon of hope and comfort during challenging times.
The Debaeckers were just one of 180 families that stayed at the Ronald McDonald Family House in Wagga from the total of 10,200 families accommodated by RMH Charities each year.
Tomorrow, Saturday, November 16, is McHappy Day, the annual fundraising event for RMH Charities.
Funds raised during McHappy Time and on McHappy Day go directly towards helping RMH Charities continue to make a real difference to the lives of seriously ill or injured children and their families across Australia, through Ronald McDonald Houses, family rooms, family retreats, hospitality carts and the learning program.
McHappy Day raised over $6.4 million to help RMH Charities provide over 40,000 nights of a home away from home for seriously ill or injured children and their families, while undergoing treatment or surgery in hospital.
The Australian public has raised more than $72 million for RMH Charities since McHappy Day first began in 1991.
You can be part of this important fundraising event by:
Purchasing a Big Mac on McHappy Day, knowing that $2 from your purchase will go directly to RMH Charities;
Buy a pair of Grimace or McNugget Buddies fold-down silly socks for $5.95, reversible bucket hat for $9.95 or Helping Hands for $2, $10 or $50; or
Make a direct donation online at rmhc.org.au/give.
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