Regional Aussies Urged To Have Say In Regional Telecommunications Review Survey

In an attempt to get as much feedback as possible, rural, regional and remote Australians now have another way to give their views on telecommunications issues with the release of the first ever Regional Telecommunicationis Review survey.
The Review takes place every three years, with the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee examining the experiences of people in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia with telecommunications delivery, as well as considering the unique needs of First Nations communities.
Submissions and face-to-face consultations to date have provided feedback on a range of matters including the suitability of telecommunications during emergency situations, how emerging technologies could improve connectivity and ways telecommunicationis could support regional development.
The short online survey provides a way for regional, rural and remote Australians to easily provide feedback on how they are experiencing telecommunications in their own communities.
There are two other options for people to have their say:
Attending a face-to-face consultation in various towns, or
Providing a submission via the website.
Input from the public helps the Committee make findings and recommendations to Government that address the needs of rural, remote and regional Australia.
Previous Reviews have seen a number of major initiatives announced and delivered, such as the Mobile Black Sport Program and the National Audit of Mobile Coverage.
The 2024 Review is being chaired by the Hon Allannah MacTiernan, former Western Australian Minister for Regional Development as Chair of the Review Committee, with the Hon Fiona Nash, Ms Kristy Sparrow, Dr Jessa Rogers and Mr Ian Kelly forming the full committee.
The Hon Alannah MacTiernan said access to reliable telecommunication was increasingly important for regional Australians.
“It is essential for keeping connected with family and friends as well as for business and access to health and education services,” Ms MacTiernan said.
“We need to hear your stories about what is working and what is not.
“While we will be travelling to dozens of sample communities across the country, we want to provide an opportunity for every regional Australian to have their say.
“The online survey is an easy way you can participate.”
Learn more about the committee at
The online survey closes on July 31 2024.
Use the following link to have your say.
2024 Regional Telecommunications Review | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
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