Regular Snacking Suggested For Seniors

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Seniors are urged to take a four-week Healthy Ageing Exercising Snacking Program in an effort to improve their health.

That’s right - in the same way that regular snacking helps sustain energy and blood sugar levels, bite-sized periods of physical activity can improve health as we age.

The idea is to slice exercise into small pieces that can be slotted in throughout the day to fit in with your lifestyle.

The Centenary Institute, a world-leading independent medical research institute focusing on cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammation and ageing, has developed a Healthy Ageing: Exercise Snacking Program based on scientific evidence, to maximise the benefits of exercise as we age.

They researched the molecular and cellular processes that drive disease and looked to develop new diagnostics, treatments and cures that would positively impact on the rate of ageing and severity of diseases.

Now the call has gone out for seniors to take the Snacking 4 week challenge.

The challenge will be delivered into participants’ email inboxes and they will receive a program to help build exercise into their day that can be done in the comfort of their own homes.

Each week participants will receive:

  • Advice on healthy ageing;
  • Tips to exercise smarter; and
  • Exercises designed as snacks.
  • The Exercise Snacking Program is free.

Did you know that exercise snacking (under 10 minutes of exercise) that increases your heart and breathing rates has comparable benefits to longer exercise sessions?

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