Residents Invited To Connect With Council Again In 2024

The first COG meeting for 2024 will take place on Tuesday, February 6 from 7 pm in the Burley Griffin Room at Griffith Regional Theatre.
Community engagement remains a high priority for Griffith City Council in 2024, with a number of options available for residents to connect.
The first Community Opinion Group (COG) Meeting this year will take place in Griffith on Tuesday, February 6 from 7pm in the Burley Griffin Room at Griffith Regional Theatre.
COG Meetings are just one avenue for residents to engage with Councillors and provide Council an opportunity to keep the community updated.
Residents can submit their agenda item at
Griffith Mayor Doug Curran said he was pleased to see residents had embraced the concept and hoped to see more residents attend.
“We truly appreciate those who do attend our COG meetings,” Mayor Curran said.
“The feedback and concerns put forward are always very insightful.
“As we come towards the end of another term of Council later this year, we will need to consult our community so they can provide us with input as to the direction of our city through the development of our important planning documents.”
Meanwhile residents can also have their say and provide feedback at Council Café on the third Thursday of each month throughout 2024, with additional dates added as required.
Council Café is held in the Kooyoo Street Kiosk, unless otherwise advised, and allows residents to attend a relaxed, informal setting. Staff will be on hand to hear concerns and feedback forms will be provided.
If you can’t make it to COG or Café you can still have your say via an online form found on the website:
- Tuesday, February 6 - Griffith (Burley Griffith Room at Griffith Regional Theatre)
- Tuesday, May 7 - Yoogali
- Tuesday, August 6 - Hanwood
- Tuesday, November – Yenda
You can keep up to date with all things Council by picking up the weekly community newsletter,
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