Road Safety Is Everyone’s Responsibility

Shadow Minister for Police Paul Toole said the most important gift road-users could give to others was being responsible.
After a shocking 10 road deaths in one weekend on NSW roads, all road users are being reminded that everyone’s safety is their responsibility this Christmas/New Year holiday period.
Traffic and Highway Patrol Command officers, together with local police across NSW, will be targeting all road-related rules, including drink and drug driving, distractions, driving tired, and any dangerous driving behaviours which put the safety of road users at risk.
The NSW Police Force will begin their holiday operation this week with double demerits coming into effect today, Friday, December 22.
Shadow Minister for Police Paul Toole said as the holiday period was traditionally the busiest time of year on NSW roads, police maintained a highly visible presence although the key to reducing accidents lay in taking responsibility – for yourself, your family, your passengers, and every other road user.
“The most important gift you can give this festive season is being responsible,” Mr Toole said. “Be the motorist who obeys the road rules and drives to the conditions, not the motorist who drives recklessly and kills someone.
“While police will be out in force, please remember that road safety is everyone’s responsibility. “You don’t want to be the person whose irresponsible behaviour changes a life – or lives – forever.
“What’s worse than getting a fine in the mail or losing your licence, is being the reason a family has an empty chair at their table this Christmas, so I’m calling on drivers to do the right thing every time they get behind the wheel.”
The NSW road toll for 2023 currently stands at 344, which is 77 more than the same time last year.
PCYC NSW Driver Education Specialist Matthew Irvine said he is expecting an uptake in participants for Traffic Offenders Intervention Program across the state after the holidays.
“We know from previous years that our phones will be ringing hot from Boxing Day onwards as people who have been booked by NSW Police over Christmas will be looking to complete the program before appearing in court,” Mr Irvine said.
“We wish this wasn’t the case and that drivers would make safer decision on the road whether they get caught or not.
“Unfortunately, some people still think they’re above the law, whether it’s quickly checking a text, driving too fast, or getting behind the wheel when tired or under the influence, there are road rules for a reason which, when followed, means everyone can arrive safely at their destination this holiday period.”
Mr Irvine also reminded motorists of more learner drivers on the road during school holidays.
“Please be patient and give learners the space they need to practice safe driving,” he said.
“They are learning, lead by example and show them what respectful and responsible driving looks like.”
The NSW Opposition is encouraging all drivers to always have a Plan B in place before your first drink, and never drink or drug drive.
If you are getting behind the wheel – even if it’s a short trip, never drive if you’re tired, buckle up, stay under the speed limit, and put the phone away.
Traffic conditions can be found at to help plan your trip to anywhere in NSW.
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