Road Users Urged To Make Safer Choices When Driving

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix

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Last week, as part of National Road Safety Week, the NSW Government reminded regional road users to “take care on regional roads”.

Rural residents comprise one-third of the population but two-thirds of road fatalities occurring on regional roads.

Some of the simplest ways road users can help make their trips safer include:

  • Driving within the posted speed limits;

  • Not driving when tired; and

  • Not consuming alcohol or drugs before or while driving.

The impact of road trauma on regional communities is immeasurable, with close-knit ties in small regional towns felt deeply when tragedy strikes.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Jenny Aitchison said road safety was everyone’s responsibility.

“As Regional Roads Minister, i see the risks people take on the road every day,” Ms Aitchison said.

“As we approach the end of National Road Safety Week it’s essential for all motorists to understand that we all have a part to play in making safe choices on our roads and to act responsibly.

“We drive such long distances in the bush and in the regions and feel the pressure to get to our destination as quickly as possible, when we really should be focusing on getting their safely.

“One small error can end in absolute tragedy.

“As a community we need to take deliberate actions to ensure a safe journey - such as designating a driver who won’t drink on a night out, getting a good night’s sleep before a long journey and planning to use a rest stop where needed, and of course never driving if affected by drugs or alcohol.”

The NSW has committed to invest $41 million in the Towards Zero Safer Roads Program to deliver 38 projects.

Following the Road Safety Forum earlier this year, Transport for NSW was tasked with:

  • Revitalising road safety communication strategy for young drivers by - drawing on the latest insights on reaching young people;

  • Partnering with 10 regional local councils to fast-track safer speed limits in local places such as 40km/h high pedestrian activity areas, as well as on higher risk routes. It will accelerate speed reviews and supporting road infrastructure like traffic calming, safer crossings, and smarter line-marking to help drivers slow down in lower speed places;

  • Increasing safety engagement and supporting safer speeds in local places that have, or are introducing, permanent 40km/h and 30km/h speed zones. Treatments could include asphalt art, murals, crossing lighting, and other streetscape enhancements that support pedestrian and cyclist safety and amenity, with an initial grant opportunity for local councils totalling up to $2 million; and

  • Reviewing up to 35 schools and school precincts across the state in collaboration with school communities to examine opportunities to make our approach to routes used by children to travel around school safer.

  • Road safety is a shared responsibility, and the government calls on all road users to prioritise safety every time they drive, ride or walk.

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