TAFE Helps Plug Skills Gap

A new report predicts aged care will soon be one of the fastest growing healthcare professions in the Riverina over the next three years.
A report from TAFE NSW tracking growing and emerging healthcare jobs, has forecast a 7.6 per cent increase in healthcare jobs in the Riverina over the next three years - close to 700 extra positions.
The report also predicted aged or disability carers, enrolled nurses, dental assistants and personal care assistants would be the fastest growing healthcare jobs over the same period.
TAFE NSW Health, Wellbeing and Community Services Director of Skills Team, Anne Barrow said TAFE NSW’s expert teachers and unparalleled industry connections meant it would play a critical role in helping bridge the local healthcare skills gap.
“This report just confirms what we already knew, that opportunities for healthcare jobs in the Riverina are growing rapidly,” Ms Barrow said.
“Whether it’s nursing, aged care, mental health, disability or one of the myriad of other healthcare pathways, TAFE NSW graduates are able to get their foot in the door with industry-led training and employer connections.
“Not only are our graduates’ job prospects excellent, but they are entering a career where they make a tangible difference in the health and wellbeing of individuals and the community.”
TAFE NSW is ideally positioned to build a pipeline of local health workers to cater to a looming jobs boom in the Riverina healthcare industry.
Explore the range of healthcare courses available at TAFE NSW and viai TAFE Digital at www.tafensw.edu.au or phone 13 16 01 for more information.
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