TAFE NSW Launches Biggest Digital Community Consultation In A Generation

TAFE NSW is inviting locals to share their thoughts on how the public training provider can best support the community’s needs.
TAFE NSW has launched its first digital community consultation to seek input from every resident across the State on how its training, support services, and facilities can better support and enable their community.
Locals across the Riverina are being invited to participate and share their local community needs and aspirations with the public training provider.
TAFE NSW Executive Director of Regional and Community Engagement, Alisono McGraffin said locals have the opportunity to participate in the online survey and ideas board.
“As regional economies and local communities transform, TAFE NSW wants to be ont he front foot of developing community-based solutions aligned to their needs,” Ms McGaffin said.
“At its heart, this is about ensuring communities feel strongly connected to TAFE NSW.
“Whether you’re a local business owner, a parent, a school leaver, or have diverse needs, we want to hear from you.
“You can answer from your individual perspective, or on behalf of a business or community group and represent.
“Gathering these insights helps TAFE NSW ensure we are well-positioned to help your community thrive.”
The consultation will be hosted on the ‘Have your Say’ Platform, an all-of-government digital community engagement platform in partnership with the Department of Customer Service.
It is open now and will remain open until February 6, 2024.
Ms McGaffin said TAFE NSW was the country's most geographically and demographically diverse training provider.
“TAFE NSW needs to hear from a range of voices to ensure all people have access to the training and services they need to participate in their local communities,” Ms McGaffin said.
“We’re proud of the fact we trained more than 125,000 people from regional and remote communities, 38,000 Aboriginal learners, and 46,000 people living with a disability over the last financial year.
“But we know we can do more to ensure our services are fit-for-purpose.” Ms McGaffin said the initiative means all NSW residents can help shape the future of their local TAFE NSW.
“Our goal is to build an environment in which local communities have greater participation in shaping localised partnerships and training solutions,” Ms McGaffin said.
“This will ensure greater educational and social impact.”
To participate in the digital community consultation, visit: www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/tafensw.
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