The Shaheedi Tournament Returns To Griffith

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


The 24th annual Shaheedi Tournament will take place over this June long weekend, June 11 and 12 at Ted Scobie Oval, Collina.

Over the past two decades, the Griffith Sikh community has hosted a wonderful day of games, including Kabaddi, soccer, tug-o-war, netball, volleyball and athletics as well as a delicious array of traditional Indian cuisine.

The Shaheedi Tournament, otherwise known as the Sikh Games is organised by the Gurdwara Singh Sabha Society of Griffith in memory and honour of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their religion and the Sikh values of life.

This tournament promotes and keeps alive the most popular sports of Punjab and attracts thousands of people from Australia and all over the world, including New Zealand, the USA, Canada and India.

Over 12,000 people attended the last event in 2018.

Events for 2019 and 2020 were cancelled due to COVID so the community is eager to get out again this year and enjoy the return of the Shaheedi games.

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