Traffic Management Plan For 26th Sikh Games

With an influx of visitors to Griffith for the annual Shaheedi Tournament, Council has put in place a traffic management plan to ensure everyone’s safety over the long weekend event.
The 26th Shaheedi Tournament (Sikh Games) will be held at Ted Scobie Oval, Collina and Griffith Regional Sports Centre on Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9.
Council has arranged a traffic management plan that will be in place for the event and everyone is urged to obey the signage and lower speed zones.
Council’s parking enforcement officers will be on duty over the weekend to ensure that parking and road rules are adhered to.
Additional restricted parking including a bus zone and no parking zone will be implemented along the Clifton Boulevard frontage of Ted Scobie Oval.
All road rules will continue to apply.
Residents are encouraged to remain observant and obey the following rules:
Private vehicles are not to park on the oval or grass areas;
Vehicles are not to park in or in front of private driveways; and
Vehicles are not to park on the nature strip or in a manner which obstructs pedestrian access.
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