Urban Water Quality Remains A Priority For Murrumbidgee Council

Murrumbidgee Council General Manager John Scarce welcomed the announcement of a $150,000 grant from the NSW Government’s Safe and Secure Water Program.
Upgrading the water treatment facilities at Jerilderie and Darlington Point continues to be a high priority for Murrumbidgee Council.
Recently, the Council received a grant of $150,000 from the NSW Government’s Safe and Secure Water Program to implement new systems at the Jerilderie Water Treatment Plant.
General Manager John Scarce welcomed the announcement and said the funding would be used for two key projects that will significantly enhance the systems at the plant.
“The first project involves installing a turbidity metre to analyse the colour of the water before it undergoes treatment,” Mr Scarce said.
‘The second project is to automate the dosing control pumps that add necessary chemicals to ensure all water continues to meet the strict criteria in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
“These two key steps are important upgrades that will significantly enhance the systems at Jerilderie Water Treatment Plant.
“Until they are introduced, certain processes in the plant will operate during business hours only so that these checks can be made manually.”
Murrumbidgee Council follows a complex plan and strategy called the Integrated WAter Management Plan to ensure all water assets in the council area are managed appropriately, affordably, cost-effectively and sustainably.
Mr Scarce said that everything we do in the water sphere is related to the plan and the aim for best practice management to provide water services that meet community needs and protect public health and the environment.
“As with any of our capital works, managing council and community resources in a fiscally responsible manner and minimising the financial burden on ratepayers is a critical factor,” he said.
“Government funding is the major way that we fund capital works projects without passing the cost onto ratepayers.
“We will continue to actively pursue funding streams so we can provide best-practice facilities without placing a strain on our ratepayers.
“This is particularly important as our communities are facing cost of living pressures.”
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