Varroa Mite Impacts More Than Honey

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Rural Financial Counselling Services NSW warns flow-on effects of varroa mite will reach further than honey.

The Rural Financial Counselling Services NSW (RFCS) warned that current detections of Varroa Mite in NSW were growing and the flow-on would impact far more than just honey.

RFCS NSW EO, David Galloway said the organisation already had a number of apiarists on the books affected by the varroa mite outbreak, but the flow on effects could hit well over 100 other clients.

“Recreational and commercial beekeepers are already feeling the stress and pressures of the varroa mite outbreak restrictions stopping the movement of their hives and equipment, which is devastating for these farmers,” Mr Galloway said.

“But this state-wide outbreak won’t only impact our beekeepers.

“Over 30 industries including canola, stone fruits, citrus and nuts, will be affected due to the urgent need for bee pollination in cropping, which has been forced to half by the movement restrictions.”

Mr Galloway said the best advice is not to wait for the effects of the varroa mite outbreak to be felt, but to be proactive.

“Start adapting your financial plans for at least one harvest disruption as these zones are likely to stay in place for a while to come,” he said.

“RFCS NSW has local counsellors who are experienced in facing challenges such as Japanese Encephalitis and the mouse plague, head on.

“Our completely free service can give you the professional advice and guidance needed as you steer your business through risk and compliance standards.

“Call RFCS NSW on 1800 319 458 if you are located in the Central or Southern regions of NSW or call RFCS Northern on 1800 344 090 if you are located in the Northern regions of NSW, to make sure you’re equipped for the long run.”

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